cRh110-Ahx-H2B(113-125) K120(biotin-Ahx-Ub)
an H2B(113-125) peptide which is modified at K120 via a native isopeptide bond with N- terminally biotinylated ubiquitin (biotin-Ahx-Ub); modified on the N-terminus with the dye cRh110 and modified with…
LRRASLG-GG-H2B(113-125) K120(Ub)
an H2B(113-125) peptide which is modified at K120 via a native isopeptide bond with ubiquitin; modified on the N-terminus with a PKA (cAMP-dependent Protein Kinase) sequence: LRRASLG
an H2B(113-125) peptide which is modified on the N-terminus with a PKA (cAMP- dependent Protein Kinase) sequence: LRRASLG