accelerate drug discovery

accelerate drug discovery in the ubiquitin proteasome system

pharmacological targets in the UPS

The malfunction in UPS activity in multiple diseases has become the focus of various drug discovery efforts aimed at developing small molecule inhibitors. Despite the successes with the proteasome inhibitors, developing modulators of other enzymes in the UPS has, however proven challenging due to the complexity of research reagents and strategies. UbiQ offers innovative reagents and an experienced team to help you to overcome these challenges.

Ubiquitylation requires the consecutive action of E1, E2, and E3 enzymes in defined combinations to provide specificity for the protein target and to control the nature of the Ub chain topology. Deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs) can reverse this process by cleaving the peptide or isopeptide bond between ubiquitin and its substrate protein.

“UbiQ offers innovative reagents and an experienced team to help you to overcome these challenges”

Both ubiquitinating and deubiquitinating enzymes are considered promising drug targets. Human ubiquitin (-like) systems consist of about a dozen E1 enzymes, several dozens of E2 enzymes, hundreds of E3 ligases and about a hundred DUBs.

accelerate drug discovery

Access to well defined ubiquitinated peptides and conjugates, has proven to be of paramount importance for research in the ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS). Since 2010, UbiQ’s ubiquitin-related reagents have enabled leading pharmaceutical companies to start and make rapid progress in all three phases of early stage drug discovery. Ranging from target identification, to lead discovery, and lead on target validation.

Discover how UbiQ can assist your early drug discovery in the UPS by following the buttons below or download our factsheet on drug discovery in the UPS or download our factsheet on our Triple E platform for drugdiscovery:


Identify and validate your target using UbiQ Probes.


Screen your compounds targeting DUBs and Ubl proteases using UbiQ Assay reagents.  

lead on target

Our reagents enable you in lead on target
validation and lead optimization.


Identify and validate your target using UbiQ Probes.


Screen your compounds targeting DUBs and Ubl proteases using UbiQ Assay reagents.  

lead on target

Our reagents enable you in lead on target
validation and lead optimization.