
an activity-based probe for deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs), labeled with HA on the N-terminus


code UbiQ-218 Category Tags , ,
product UbiQ-218 Category Tags , ,



HA-Ahx-Ahx-Ub-VPE (UbiQ-218) is an activity-based probe for deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs). It is labelled on the N-terminus with the HA peptide sequence (YPYDVPDYA) derived from the influenza hemagglutinin protein and allows for the sensitive identification or purification of DUBs by anti-HA antibodies and/or anti-HA-agarose. The HA tag is separated from the N-terminus by two 6-aminohexanoic acid (Ahx) linkers for efficient recognition of the tag. The alkyne group in the vinyl pentynyl ester warhead allows for further (post-labelling) modification by using click chemistry.

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